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Default 02-05-2004, 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Who the hell says the majority of Americans are against gay marriages? I think the rate is about 50/50, so there isnt a majority there. How can you compromise a 50/50 vote? In this case you can't, but you can be fair. Let each state decide its own course of action. I bet in the next 25 years, each and every state will have gay marriages. If it doesnt affect you, then why else would you be so passionately against it? Its because youre a dick head.
50/50? thats why 38 outta the 50 states in the union have amended there constitutions to ban gay marriage and "civil unions" I'm no math genius...but that sure as hell aint 50/50 on the issue, just as massachusetts legalized gay marriage iowa recently banned it. And yes gay marriages do affect me, like I have already said legalized gay marriage will destroy what little is left of american morality. legalized gay marriage will destroy the traditional family by serving as a precedent for other sicko's to use to get their perverted wishes legalized (ie poligomy) it will turn the sacred vowes of marriage into a joke, destroying marriage and the family...thats how it affects me.