Originally Posted by bwolf
Originally Posted by Tripper
...and I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed, meaning that they don't fit into the catergory of "The Best Movies That Most People Have Never Heard Of."
way to try to be smart:
This is what you just said... "maybe not MOST [...] have seen the films," you don't think that most people have seen the films... thus they fit perfectly in the "The Best Movies That MOST People Have Never Heard Of" thread..... case closed IDIOT
Originally Posted by Tripper
....Indicates that you do understand what I am saying, and that your side of the argument just plain doesn't exist anymore.
i said to make you happy... not to make the forum happy.... i know perfectly well what you want... and what you want is stupid. So i posted a film that i'm willing to bet no member of aa has ever seen, thus leaving very little room to discuss and so it's pretty much pointless to put it.
Originally Posted by Tripper
Well done, pigeon-fucker.
i've never had such relations with a pigeon... not really sure if that's even possible... i suppose you would know.
Originally Posted by Tripper
The intent of my original post was to point out something. Don't be so pathetic.
good argument
and way to change my name to buttwolf in one of the quotes... your maturity level is through the roof... not that i expect anything more from anyone on the internet
now go to bed sweetheart, you know how you get cranky in the morning
Okay, now you just sound like an UTTER ASS.....What you're doing is grabbing for straws as some kind of desperate measure. This is terribly pathetic. ....But by all means, continue...
Let's take a gander at your patheticness, shall we?
Originally Posted by bwolf
way to try to be smart:
This is what you just said... "maybe not MOST [...] have seen the films," you don't think that most people have seen the films... thus they fit perfectly in the "The Best Movies That MOST People Have Never Heard Of" thread..... case closed IDIOT
I love it how you put "[...]," leaving an important part of my statement out, just so you can prove your illogical point.
Originally Posted by bwolf
So i posted a film that i'm willing to bet no member of aa has ever seen
Congratufuckinglations - You've realised the point of this thread......Or have you?
Originally Posted by bwolf
i've never had such relations with a pigeon... not really sure if that's even possible... i suppose you would know.
^ A Typical last-ditch effort attempt at getting the best of someone, by attacking someones insult words. A true indication of a losing side. Also a true indication of a pathetic loser.
Originally Posted by bwolf
and way to change my name to buttwolf in one of the quotes... your maturity level is through the roof... not that i expect anything more from anyone on the internet
now go to bed sweetheart, you know how you get cranky in the morning
...and you're simply the pinnacle of maturity. GG Hypocrite.