Originally Posted by bwolf
I'm not wasting my time commenting on your post line by line, cause we're getting off track and it's gone to far... so let's look at the simple facts:
Gonzo created a thread entitled "The best movie that most people never heard of" and his post was simply "Deuces Wild." I think we can agree Gonzo was simply stating he thought that Deuces Wilf is the best movie most of us have never heard of. People start to post their favorite movies that they think most people have never heard of. You said yourself:
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed
You admit that most people have not seen the movies that people are listing. Here's where it gets confusing, hopefully you can explain this, you earlier said:
[quote:2f9eb]These aren't even films that no-one has ever heard of......
Just because they're independent or festival films, doesn't mean no one has heard of them.....film newbs.
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy. My explaination, is you felt the need to be a complete ass and just call people newbs for no real reason... just cause you're Tripper. Your explaination is that you were pointing something out... pointing something out that you yourself don't actually believe and calling people newbs in the process.
I imagine you'll say something about how I chickened out by not arguing with everyone of your statements in your last post, so if that's what you want, you can pm cause i doubt people want to read our crap... I should have done this a while ago, oh well.
Good night.[/quote:2f9eb]
I can't believe this - Do I need to blast your fucking brain with a pulse cannon to make you understand? What fucking school did you go to? I'm going to track down who ever taught you and shoot out their fucking eyes, because they have played a hand in destroying humanity by creating drones of utter stupidity (You).
Originally Posted by bwolf
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy.
What's inconsistent about that? Means the same thing. BUT - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and pretend that "haven't" was a mis-type, as it most probably was....
Please quote me, wherever I said that I thought these films had been seen by MOST people.
You still with me? You want me to smack you in the back of the head with a hammer to tremor your tiny fucking brain? Maybe start it up again.....?
These films listed are films that have been seen by a lot of people, maybe not the majority like blockbuster films are, but by alot of people - The idea of this thread is to post films that you don't think many people have seen, that you liked. Do you get it?
Films like
Donnie Darko have won serious amounts of awards and are reknowned as great festival films. To have a film be reknowned, it must be seen by a lot of people.
Look at Ninty9's post - He has done it correctly. What is so hard to understand? If you don't like it - Big fucking deal, but don't try and drag me down into your bottomless pit of IGNORANCE.
Now - Do everyone a favour and get on the waiting list for a LABOTOMY - Please do something, anything, about your fucking mind which certainly works in mysterious ways.
Either that, or go do a fucking COMPREHENSION course. Dumbface.