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Default 02-06-2004, 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by bwolf
Originally Posted by Tystnad
Any of you guys seen Hamilton?
Pretty decent, considering the fact that its from sweden..
HAMILTON!?!? omg... i actually saw that... in swedish with no subtitles, and i don't know any sweedish. Some teacher of mine thought she could teach us something by showing us a movie where we wouldn't understand the language... it seemed like it could be ok... who knows if what i thought was going was really the case though
Its all about a swedish intelligence officer named Carl Hamilton, and that movie is about the book No Mans Land.
The plot goes something like this:
The russians are getting rid of most of their nukes, since the cold war is over.
However, some of the Generals sees teh oportunity to make some money out of this, and decides to steal two warheads and sell em on the black market.
The "Good Guys", the western civilization, gets to know of their plan, and decides to stop them. Thats where Hamilton and the Swedish task force coems into the picture.
They are being sent to russia to stop the hijackers before they make it into Finland, where no one can do anything about it, since the Finnish prime minister is to scared of the russians to take action against this operation.
Yada yada ya, long story short, they blow the nuke up in the desert, along with the terrorists..