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Zen is Offline
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Default 02-07-2004, 12:41 PM

Are you familliar with the term " Black Dutch " ?

This term should only be familliar if you are really that old or were raised around folks from a " traditional " up-bringing.

The term dates back to Roman Times , and was used frequently up until about the 1920's or so.

If you have a Old Great Aunt or something along those terms you may have heard of it.

Anyway ,

The Dutch part does not refere to the Netherlands as it does today , it is the english equivilant of Deutsch , or German.

So it would translate to Black German.

This came to be during the Roman Empire , The Empire could not trust the tribes to the north. Nor the people of the territory it conquered. I forget which Emporer it was , but they had an idea.

They would import solgiars from Africa and have them work as soldiers in the territory that is now Germany.

These Soldiers were intiitled to have wealth , land , and of corse local women.
A mixed bread developed , now since Africans in later years were slaves , the term Black Deutsch would explain that you were not a slave , you had rights.

As people found freedom in the new world , so did the Black Deutsch.

This may have something to do with your friend.
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