Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
True, but some people seem to think that despite homosexuality existing prior to the birth of Christ (the foundation of their so-called morality), it is still wrong and cannot be tolerated.
GG ignorance.
A large portion of Christian ethics and morality is based upon the laws of the Old Testament, the faith of the Hebrew people which dates back nearly to the beginning of recorded history, when things were still scribed in cuniform.
You missed the point entirely fucknut:
The point is that homosexuality has been around since before Christianity, before recorded writing, and before ANY religion or civilized society ever existed. So before you get your Rev Schuller on, try and understand that humanity doesnt always revolve around the christian faith, or any other faith for that matter. GG for trying to sound intelligent though, just take the dick out of your mouth before you start talking.
You can't prove that homosexuality existed anymore than I can prove that it didn't. However, there has never been any reference to homosexuality found in cave drawings or in the translated cuniform writings of the earliest Mediterranean people, who are generally accepted to be the origin of the human race. This is probably because those people still had instinct and common sense going for them and realized they shouldn't be cramming their dicks up someone's shitter. And take your lame attempts at one-liners elsewhere, trying to close with one makes it obvious that you're on the losing side of an argument.
[quote="[muted]strvs":225f7]The word ignorance is thrown around too much these days, hes ignorant for not knowing that?[/quote:225f7]
n : the lack of knowledge or education
Originally Posted by Pyro
Fuck Religion.
Which is precisely what all the pro-gay marriage people are saying, but here is my question:
Laws have been passed just so that gay people can feel more secure or comfortable or whatever. Society has imposed upon me the mandate that I must be in acceptance of their life choices. However, it's perfectly fine for them to be vocally intolerant of my religion and seek legislation that may as well slap my beliefs in the face. This is about hypocracy folks. Fucking liberals.