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Default 02-07-2004, 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by "Sicilian_Summers":f86de
But, too all those who oppose gay marriage, would you perhaps, accept it if it wasn't called marriage but rather gay union?
I wouldn't mind, as long as they didn't get, "unified" in a Catholic/Jewish/Any Religious worshipping center that doesn't accept gay marriage.[/quote:f86de]

Hell, I wouldnt accept it no matter what it is called, its gay, why do you think its an insult to be called gay? Its because that means your weird, unnatural, sick, outcast, different, not normal. Have you ever noticed how most gays have something wrong with them? Eather a mental retardation, any form of abuse or harrasment, ahd, birth defomity, and stuff like that your rarely see a gay who has no health problems or wasnt abused/harrasted. The is only ONE singualr reason for life, to continue it, if you arent going to, then you arent worth mich then are you, youd have to do something else EXTREMELY great to pay off the fact you arent gonna get it on with a girl and not have the baby. That is alos a reason why I am completly against abortain and condoms. If your gonna do it then do it alll the way.