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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":040e1
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Pyro
A Fanatical conservative is just as bad as a Fanatical liberal.

It just seems the Liberals have the rights and freedoms of the people as more important.
I'm all for equality. With equilibrium of society, there would be a lot less strife and nothing to stress about. It would be uptopia - perfect. But human nature itself denies us perfection, and therefore the uptopian society that liberal and PC fanatics pursue. I'm a realist. And I'm all about treating people fairly.

What pisses me off about this whole situation is that I - as a young, white, American, Christian male - am expected to be tolerant of EVERYTHING while practically EVERYONE takes shots at my race and my beliefs. And then if I retaliate, I'm either a racist, a bigot or intolerant. And you can't tell me that's not the way it is.
Noctis once again hits the nail with the hammer.

Oh God, STFU already.

First off, Noctis, no one has called you a racist in this thread yet, but you prolly do get called a racist in other threats because of all the little Eames on this forum agreeing with you. If your only gripe against this gay marriage thing is the definition then thats fine, and I wouldnt consider you to be a total dick. I still disagree with you though. Eames, on the other hand, you are just a total homophobe and the biggest little bitch biggot ive ever seen on this forum. All the time its "Gook, Fag, N***er," and every other profane word i can think of. So just fuck off and start forming your own opinions for once.[/quote:040e1]

not forming my own opinions? Seems like I'm one of the few people here that forms their own opinion. You just go along with the liberal leftist propaganda and go about with the typical liberal elitist attitude of "if you don't agree with me your a biggot" attitude. So quit trying to enforce your morality on everyone and trying to tell me what I can say and what I can't say.