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Default 02-09-2004, 10:40 AM

Chango made some interesting points.

There are a few beliefs and theories that I woulld like to share on the subject of Spirtuallity.

1st off , I'm not a Christ follower. I began exploring the religions of the world several years ago now , and I decided that the Christ focused religions are not true to themselves and were not for me.

Now I LOVE Archaeology. And Pinhead is right about a few things.

They have used the bible as a guide to discover several Bible related sites and artifacts.

To include , Sadam & Gamora , The real Mt.Sinia , Noahs Flood , and countless cities that were not suposed to have even existed in the non-biblical world.

But the bible is NOT a direct historical map , it is not designed to be. Many of the stories , places and events do not exist or have been included as a moral lesson , not historical fact.

Now personally I do believe Jesus was on this earth and did the things that his is famous for.
However I do not believe he was the son of a god.

All we have are the writtings of those around him , and as Chango pointed out , those have been edited for content and translated through several languages by people who were not there.

Personally , I believe that the Vatican has some of the awnsers to the mysteries that surround His life and the truth of the bible.

But I do not think that we will ever see it. I believe it is hidden because it will cause un-repairable damage to the church as a state.

Jesus did not want us to confess to a priest , worship in a building , or look anywhere outside ourselves for " God " . We are to look within.

As far as crying statues and images appearing on walls:

One man would say : " I see the virgin mother on the wall ! "

But the next would say : " Wait , I see a Hotdog with Chilli..."

These are certainly objects of perception. But , there is so much that is not understood that it does diserve our attention.

I really enjoy seeing these stories and events covered by a non-relgious sorce.
The Vatican investigates thousands of " miracles " every year. They ALWAYS say it is a hoax , nothiing more to see folks....

And of corse , One Year will not change a persons views on their spirtuallity.

Each person must make there path and follow it.
The truth is inside of us. Search yourself for awnsers.
I chose Buddism because there is no god to pray to , there is no sin , there is no church , or certain understnding one must have.
All you need is you. All answers are there waiting for you to understand.