02-09-2004, 09:24 PM
At my last school - Which I was only at for my senior year (last year), it was right in the middle of downtown Auckland, in the Central Business District. We had every fast food joint ever, within like a 10 minute walk.
My prefrence for food was always either Orporto's or Nando's Chicken restaurants. Good shit there.
Public schools in NZ have what are known as 'Canteens' or 'Tuck Shops,' as opposed to Cafeterias...They're basically the same thing except generally in most schools you have as much a range of food to choose from as you would in a Dairy (7-11 for you yanks).
Meat Pies have always been a favourite of mine - Still are - Infact, most school kids in NZ will tell you they enjoy Meat Pies for lunch.