[quote="Bean 2":0d0df][quote=Vance]
Originally Posted by "Bean 2":0d0df
Marines is definitely the most difficult. I know that the air force, army, and navy all have the same basic training requirements though.
to which part? correct me if im wrong.[/quote:0d0df]
The part that I see wrong is that the army, air force and navy have the same basic training requirements. That's not totally correct. The ARMYs and NAVYs basic training is 8 weeks, while the Air Force is 6 weeks long. Each basic training has thier own schedule and way of training thier recruits, that's what makes each branch unique. The ARMY is generally harder the other two.
But I can say you are correct about the first comment that you made. Marine Corps boot camp is harder then any other military branchs basic, that's a FACT happy: