02-10-2004, 07:13 PM
Basic Training :
Marine Basic is famous , I don't think I have to get into that.
Army Basic is very demanding , you will do all the obsticle corses and fire weapons , camp out , field exercises , March EVERYWHERE. Not as intence as the Marines but you will still be training to be a ground force combat warrior.
It is not to be taken lightly.
Navy Basic is less demanding , but has alot of psycological training. Swimming , survival at sea , and such. I am not too familliar with it .I had a friend go Navy but I have no actual knowledge beyond what he told me.
Air Force Basic is not very demanding pysically. You will still run every other morning and do other exercises the days between. This is universal.
But in the Air Force you will be in class most of the time. Learning what I consider some very complex and high tech stuff.