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Default 02-11-2004, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by Chango
Centurion tries to gain tactical advantage in battle by asserting that he is, or was at one time, in the military. He affects the brusque demeanor and clipped style of a drill sergeant, and intimidates opponents by sprinkling his messages with military verbiage and obscure acronyms. He reinforces weak arguments by constantly reminding other Warriors that he has “done his duty”, or “served his country”. Sometimes Centurion may even post pictures of military hardware or images of himself in fatigues brandishing a weapon. Centurion may actually have a military background, or he may just be a nut case - no one really knows. Centurion loathes and is loathed by Weenie, Artiste and Fragile Femme. His natural ally is Troglodyte.
Cpt Zaptoski


Despite assumptions to the contrary, Capitalista is not always a wealthy fat cat; being a Capitalista is a state of mind rather than a reflection of affluence. A strident and extraordinarily self–satisfied Warrior, Capitalista takes every opportunity to loudly extol the superiority of the United States and routinely expresses a powerful aversion to all things European. When left-leaning Warriors attack the free enterprise system Capitalista will instantly spring into action, fiercely bludgeoning all “socialists” and “fuzzy-minded liberals” with Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek. Though often rather limited in his range of interests, Capitalista’s command of tendentious historical facts, abstruse statistical comparisons and arcane economic theory renders him nearly invincible in battle.

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