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Location: woodmere, ny
Default 02-07-2002, 01:38 AM

I do not know about you guys but time flies when you are playing games. You can easily put in 3 hours or more and think only 1 hour past. And what is exactly "get a life" mean? I am married and my wife and I go out on weekends and have a great time. But on weekdays I get home around 6pm, eat dinner and spend some time with my wife and around 8 or 9 I go play some games online with my friends till 12pm. Does that mean I don't have a life? How is that different from people who come home, eat their meal and then go watch TV or read a book or do whatever they like to do for 3 or 4 hours before heading to bed. Or they do no have a life either? I think "having a life" is enjoying things that you like to do. For some, watching TV for hours on end is quality time well spent and for others its computers, etc. Just enjoy your hobbies and do not critisize others for having different ways of spending time.
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