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kain is Offline
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Location: ga/smarr
Default 02-08-2002, 03:40 AM


I play world war 2 online blitz an me an my squad stayd online i know mroe then 17hours.B/c i got on at 7pm an got off around 1 pm next day.We took a shit load of stuff "2 or 3 of us"

It has one server,1 war,less lag then medal of honor.around 2000,3000 people on at enytime an we had fun as hell.But my sleep paterns are all fuckd up from that day forth hehe.

HAHAHA im not a nerd but i do want to win that Sweet ass computer they give away to the people with the most mission succes,team work,kills,an others.HAHAHA one day one day.

Edit oww oww i forgot an i usaly lay wwii from 11pm east to 5 or 6 am east every night.HAHAHA HAHAHA. huhehahaha i so much need to go outside an see the REAL world.

Been in this "bunker" to damn long.Food apears at the bunker door for no reason an i used to hear all kinda noise outside the walls an doors.But for about 3 months now no noise.No PEOPLE.I I I think the brits an frenchys got them.No no never,they wont take me no not with my K98 Karabiner NEVER


1st SS G.D.

[This message has been edited by kain (edited February 08, 2002).]
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