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Default 02-11-2002, 04:04 AM

Last guy to post, I am none of the things you mentioned and (admittedly before I got a girlfriend) I played MoH for about 3-5 hours each night easilly.

I have an 8 hour a day job.

So now I spend more time with the better half, but you don't have to be a pensioner or disabled to be able to play more than 5 hours a day

I wouldn't call myself a games 'extremist' either. That accolade would be better used for those who play games all day, rather than for less than one third of it.

Clichés and generalisations are the product of a limited mind

Just 'cos he plays a lot doesn't mean he's a nerd.

The fact he felt the need to brag about it doesn't help his case much, though.
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