Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.
They're fucking crazy.
I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.