Some valid points, but sadly they have been heavilly discussed here already.
Not complaining, as you have as much right to talk about this as any other, but I'd be surprised if too many people comment on this.
Teamplay: Ultra rare on public servers. Wait until clan matches start up.
Grenades: They're there so get used to them. If someone wants to throw lots of grenades into random areas then they should be allowed to. It's a part of the game.
Objective: Same as Teamplay above, except in every objective game the objective is also to eliminate the enemy. So going out to kill as many as you can before you die, in my eyes, is just fine (the only exception to this so far is Omaha... When Allies refuse to plant the bombs, or Axis refuse to disarm them, it may as well be a deathmatch game).
Camping: Is fine if it is designed to reach the objective. If it's being used to just stay alive until the time runs out, it's crap.
As this is a game for the public it cannot possibly cater for everyone's personal tastes upon shipping.
Lan games, clan matches and mods will enable you to play in an environment you prefer, so patience is the key.
Until then, all I can suggest is to either stop playing on public servers altogether, or get used to how they are.
I've had some terrific team games on public servers, and I've had some crap ones. I expect nothing more, to be honest.
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited February 07, 2002).]