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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Posts: 147
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-08-2002, 11:07 AM

I hear ya!

I have lots of fun no matter what. But some things really annoy me.

First, the NON-PROBLEMS:

If people don't want to set the bomb, fine. Let's just shoot each other. It's called a DeathMatch. Some people have been known to play them for fun. Doesn't bother me.

If people want to set the bomb, even better.

If people don't want to go in pairs and cover each others backs and provide covering fire, oh well.

If they DO work as a team, YAY! Love it!

If all the enemy wants to be a sniper, no problem. I will be a sniper too and have fun sniping their butts.

If all my team wants to be snipers, cool. I will get lots of covering fire as I move in, take out lots of enemies, and maybe win the game.

If the enemy has a thing for shotguns, no problem. I will take a shotty too and go to town.

If the enemy camps, I will hunt him down.

If my team mate camps, I will have more of a challenge.

Next, the PROBLEMS:

Players who get easily annoyed and just have to turn the game into a contest of name-calling and insulting.

If you don't like what someone is doing, then either learn to deal with it, or even like it, or politely mention it and try to be constructive.

Example situation:

You find yourself part of a team of snipers on the beach.

Solution A:
You crouch down in the corner of a boat, and mention that your team won't be able to win with so many snipers. Would someone please switch to another weapon and team up with me to plant a bomb?

Solution B:
You run straight up the beach like you were 10 feet tall and bulletproof, because you have a bunch of snipers keeping the Germans from shooting you. You then use stealth and strategy to try to plant a bomb and guard it alone. After a while your allies get bored because all the Germans are playing with you, so they start to move in and/or switch weapons.

Solution C:
You start a long period of complaining, name-calling, insults, and abuse to try to get things your way, which of course doesn't work but only pisses off the other players.

Most people choose Solution C. That is what ruins the game for me.
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