I agree with what Refresh_Deamon said in the first page. "Every man for himself"...believe, i like working in teamwork. I love that, providing firecover and going into groups BUT, that only works with your clan. If you go into a public server, most ppl will either BLOCK YOUR FREAKING DOORWAY and u will die from an enemy grenade in front of u OR they will give your position meaning that they will start talking or running instead of walking or shooting/throwing grenades, so the enemy will know your location. In obj. i know its teamwork, but as many friends have told me, its better to work alone than to work with a moron....rofl....coz if u work with a moron, u will die coz of him. know why? coz he is a moron. I have finished some MP obj. alone with sniper rifle only, but i changed to pistol...killed 5 allies and finished the mission. Dont call me a camper either coz if u read in another topic around here, my main wep is SMGs, i just snipe when i want to have some fun. Anyway, its better to work alone and make the obj. than to work with a moron and die in the process.
Gods Elite Legion