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Default 02-08-2002, 07:56 AM

It doesn't matter how many grenades you issue at the start of any round. One, fifteen, three hundred... No one likes to be killed. It doesn't truly matter how they die, they'll either suck it up and wait their turn, or they'll complain and whine.

It is annoying to be killed randomly, but it's great to get a random kill.

The key word there would be random. The law of averages means that all possibilities are equally possible in the long run. You'll get your own random kills eventually.

That is, of course, if you don't refuse to throw a grenade unless you see a target. Yehhhh, ok.

It takes a grenade between 4-5 seconds to detonate after you've released the catch. Once the grenade leaves your hand it's out of your control. If the target decides to move away they will live and it's nothing to do with your skill at all that they die if they decide to not move.

If you pre-empt the opposition and make an educated guess as to their location before you loose the grenade you can make it virtually impossible for them to avoid it, no matter how much they move.

From time to time this will mean you see the enemy first and decide, with fore-though, where they will be when the grenade settles and detonates.

For the rest of the time it's all educated guessing.

I find it amusing when people complain about Axis grenade spam at the beginning of the Hunt. You can throw one grenade and be accused of grenade spam simply because each of your team-mates throw a grenade too.

If you spawn right at the front as an Axis player it's possible to lob around 4-5 grenades before you even see an Ally player, which I'd denote as grenade spamming.

I've done this myself and managed to get a silly amount of kills before the round has even started. I get bored of it. I sometimes force myself to never throw a single grenade in a round just to make things more interesting.

You'd be amazed how much you can surprise the Allies if you don't throw a grenade and just wait for them to pass you by while you mow them down one-by-one.

Some don't, though. Some rely on grenade spam to get high scores. These players tend to rarely play Allies.

Judge them how you like, but they have as much right to do that as you have to do whatever you choose as 'skillfull'.

I agree there's very little skill to throwing grenades into an area that has a high chance of enemy activity. It's called repetetive learning and every game has it.

Give an Axis player just one grenade and he'll still lob it down the road if he starts close to the front as an Axis.

The most hilarious thing I've seen is the Allies in a server bitching about grenade spamming when they themselves lob dozens of them into empty space.

Granted, it doesn't have such a devastating effect as the Axis grenades, but it's still hopefull.

I do think that to balance a map like The Hunt more they should have perhaps forced the Axis to spawn back some, or the Allies a little further up the road.

But the Axis already have the village under control to start with. This is prevelant to almost all of Europe in the war and it's just the way it is. The task the Allies have is to take that control back.

It's not like the Axis and Allies have some treaty that governs how far back the Axis are allowed to wait for the Allies to attack them.

Defending teams will always have advantages. If you want complete equality play Noughts and Crosses.

How fun is that?

Whether you like it or not grenades were a part of the war and they are a part of this game. I very much doubt that each greanade came with a code of use that governed where and where not to throw it.

6 grenades is probably a little too much for the balance of a game. 3 is a good amount, but it doesn't matter how many you get given you will always, always get bitched at for using them if you kill someone and they don't like it.

Some players just won't ever be satisfied unless you kill them with exactly the same methods and weaponry that they themselves use. Even then you can still get bitched at.

If you get killed in what you consider as a lame way, then you will always view that person in a low light. Good. You know you're better.

Then surely you should be able to beat them?

I have lost count of the times I've been killed by someone that is technically a lesser player than I am. If they kill me continually though I would start to reconsider my opinion of their skills.

And adapt!

Team work is all fine and dandy when it happens, but if you actually break down an entire server into it's individual parts you essentially have lots of individuals alone in their own spaces.

Sorry, but I won't instantly gell with people I don't even know and can't communicate with fluidly.

In America you all speak the same language, virtually. In Europe that isn't always the case. I will play team play if it's instantly available, and I know many players who will also do so with me.

But you need communication to work as a team and the voice commands available to us are all but useless.

Players who decide to go it alone and lob random grenades at places they presume will get them (and their team) kills have just as much a part to play as the camper who refuses to move from the Objective area until he is gunned down, or wins the round.

If you don't enjoy it go play TDM or DM.

In the end you'll always have people who whine when they die in a manner they dislike. I'd learn to ingore them just as much as they themselves should learn to curb their angst at dying.

Pretty elimentary really, isn't it?

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