02-07-2002, 04:01 AM
Would you like a reply? Yes? Okay...
1. Did I ever say that you were the only one with this problem? No. What I said was that not everyone times out as frequently as you. Therefore, it's not a problem for some people. As for if it's EA's problem, hardly. Talk to your ISP about it, not EA.
2. Flaming? You think that is flaming? Wow, if you think that is flaming you have some issues. Go to some more boards and check. Believe me, I made no attempt at making fun of you.
3. Fanboy? When did I EVER say that this game is perfect? Never! All I said was that it's a lot better than you're giving it credit for. One, you assume that the game is responsible for the Timed Out Connection problems, which is not true, its either your internet provider (has to do with packet loss), or the actual connection speed of the server.
4. And when exactly did I seem worried that you were bashing, or even hinted as to whether I even cared if you were bashing or not? I come from a long line of WWII computer game simulation failures (WWII Online being one of them) so I know bashing. If I was bashing it would be a lot more blatent than anything you've seen here.
Sorry you don't know how to anylize things, but really get your facts together before you say things.
[This message has been edited by parchy (edited February 07, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by parchy (edited February 07, 2002).]