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Duchie is Offline
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Posts: 4
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-08-2002, 07:41 AM

I need a faster processor, because everyone seems to have at least a 1 Ghz, and I'm runnin' on a 600 Mhz Athlon. However, Omaha runs at a decent framerate for me. Never dips below 40. And, no the details aren't turned down, they're between high and medium. I've got 512 Megs of RAM, and a GeForce 2 MX400 64M. I've found that freeing up system resources is the best way to improve the speed. Mine are 97% free. Just run msconfig, and disable all the extra useless stuff running in the background, and check your resources by looking at Properties under My computer on the Performance tab.
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