02-15-2004, 01:51 AM
That's ok. Give it time, Kerry will be elected and America will find some fucking shit it whine about him. Both choices are like chosing to jump off a bridge or run into oncoming traffic. Kerry is a deceptive mudslinging cunt and George Bush is a crooked daddy's boy with a shady past.
If you ask me, the major seperation between the American Govt. and it's people is so wide that we can no longer see the "real" image of the people we vote for. Only what TV tells us or rallys tell us. Or some fucking poll. Voting for John Kerry just because Bush hasn't rubbed you the right way isn't a valid reason for voting for him. But to not vote means there is no excuse to bitch. So here we are again, another election year with two fucking peices of shit to choose from to run the country. Politics in this country is so shady that the good man cannot and will not prevail. Only the guy that pretends to be him the best.