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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-07-2002, 10:20 AM

Crow King is right.

I was getting very frustrated with the underpowered sub/machine guns in MoH. So I like realism mod.

One thing you can do is resist the kick. That helps.

But at issue here is that after a few rounds, it doesn't matter how good your aim is, because the program MAKES the bullets miss. I.e. it starts spraying all over in a wide range. Even at POINT BLANK range you can miss if you hold the trigger down. There is nothing you can do about it as it's programmed for that.

The best thing to do is hold it for about 3 shots at close- to mid-range, and 1 shot at long range. Then wait a second for the gun to come back down from the kick, and squeeze again. Using this technique, I have killed enemies at pretty long range, like opposite side of rocket courtyard. For really long range though, like boats to pillboxes on Omaha, forget about SMG. MGs, however, have sniper-like accuracy at long range. They are basically automatic snipers without scopes. Again, at long range, any shot after the first round will be way off, so wait for the kick to come down.
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