02-17-2004, 09:24 PM
spoilers obviously:
1) Ring in yellow dish on table
2) Memo in drawer
3) CD case in drawer
4) Casette underneath dresser
5) Key on window sill
6) Unlock the right drawer using the key on the window sill. (click on the key in your items and then click the drawer) You get the casette player
7) Key under the pillow
8) Unlock the left drawer
9) get the power cord by clicking the gold key then the drawer
10) plug in power cord to cd player
11) turn on player and get key out of cd tray
12) Look at the blank wall and click on the ground on the bottom left where its purple
13) Pick u battery between bed and wall
14) Go back to the pillow and lift it up. Then click between the headboard and the mattress to get the metal rod
15) go to the window and open and close the curtain until the ring falls out
16) pick up the ring
17) click on the red box in your inventory
18) put the rings in the holes on the box and the rod in the rod slot on the box
19) open the box. Insert the casette tape and the battery.
20) click the box to play the animation
21) watch at the end where the man points on the wall. there will be a crosshair.
22) wait until the movie is fully over then click 3 times on that spot to reveal the safe.
23) click the box that appears and then click the safe
24) the code for the safe is 1994 and you get that by going to the url on the memorandum
25) click your last key and click on the lock. the safe will open. take the screwdriver
26) go to the door click it and use the screwdriver to get the knob off and click the hole to get out.