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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
Senior Member
Posts: 171
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-08-2002, 06:51 AM

Dodd, how the hell is a thread about images for MoH considered "Off Topic" in a General Discussion forum??? The term "General Discussion" is by definition 'Off Topic', unless the general discussion is meant to be limited to MoH stuff. And the thread pertained to images that people would like to use for their MoH sig-tags.

Nobody goes to Off Topic, and moving a thread there is little better than deleting it. It takes up the same amount of disc space, but makes it a pain in the arse to find/read.

Or maybe the real reason was a bit of Kluge-induced spite? Check the replies in the thread bud...people were glad to have a source of useful images. You've just buried the links in the basement and denied the images to anyone who hasn't yet seen the thread and who don't visit the Off Topic forum.

This site exists to serve the MoH community, not a privalaged few who get their own way by whining via e-mail to you that their sand-pit has been invaded. Please re-instate the thread so that the many get a chance to access some very useful and ON-topic images. Thanks.

NB: Actually, that forum is called "Off Topic BS" (BS standing for "Bull Shit" I assume???)

The thread was BULLSHIT??? Excuse me???!!!

Images here:


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW~Siggi (edited February 08, 2002).]
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