02-18-2004, 08:16 AM
The way i look at it is...
YOUR FUCKING 15. Put the bitch you'll dump anyway to the side and grab your god damn math book. Trust me, you'll probably use long divsion more than your wang if you asking this kinda thing here. Anyone who has graduated high school can tell you how many times you'll use long division... 0.
That and its a scientific fact that no woman is horny all of the time, let alone 10% of the time. If you get 2.395% of the time you're in like Flin. And even Flin dont get to much play. Find a nympho, (sp) and even there only horny maybe 15% of the time. Bacially the ratio of horny to non horny is not in your favor. If her engine aint running while making out and going round the bases a ways, then you're shit out of luck, its not one of those rare 2.395 times.
Quick advise though... Dont go down her pants, unbutton them, and down the zipper. See what she says to that. Doing so while on your knees, gives a pretty good idea of your intentions, she should have to big a complaint about that.