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Default 02-18-2004, 08:49 AM

Meh you focus to much on sex... get the fucking math book out.

Honestly "how do i convince her to let me do stuff to her?" Catch a clue. A woman saying she doesnt want to be eatten out, mean she doesnt want to be eatten out. Simple shit really. Finding ways to convince her she does is a pointless endevior.

As to how to make her horny, simple, be romantic. Now i understand your generation has no concept of what the fuck that is, so i'll give you a minute to check the dictionary...

... There, now that you've read, and hopefully understand what the fuck it is, attepmt using it. Think of it like this... Woman arnt the high tech engines you find on todays cars. No there the old ones you find on lawn mowers. You have to push the primer a few times to start the gas flowing. Try staying on the outside of the pants with some rubbing. work with that and she if she lightens up a bit. You hopefully can tell when she's "into" it, and can then progress into the pants, staying outside of the panties. work that a little longer, again judgement call if she continues to get "into" what your up to. Then move into the unbutton and un zip, if this is allowed, slowly, SLOWLY, work your way from outside the panties, in. If she's not prude, and you've worked this right she should be fairly "primed" for this. depending on where your doing all this (typically bed or couch) slide down on the floor, and slip the pants down, leaving panties in tact. If she's cool with the pants, down the panties, line her up, and go at her.

Not a sure thing, but probably better than what your trying to execute.