02-18-2004, 09:44 AM
Show her a picture of your mother and tell her that you hope she grows up to look just like your mother, not that cow she calls a mother. That always gets 'em hot.
Go talk to her Dad and tell him your trying to get in his 15 year old daughter's pants. I'm sure he would be willing to give you an attitude adjustment that might help reduce your adolescent frustration..
LOL - sorry dude, I can't help ya. I have two daughters and if I found out their boyfriend was getting advice on the internet about how to get in their pants I'd be rather irate. Use common sense and just treat her nice. Don't be in a rush to force things to happen. The point is not "how do I get her horny" so that you get her to do something she ordinarily wouldn't. The point is to wait until the time is right for both of you. At 15 your hormones are raging alot more than her's are. Live with it. God gave you a wonderful gift. He made you with opposable thumbs. Use them.