02-18-2004, 10:55 PM
But once a long time ago when my older sister hadnt gone to colege, I was like 12, I was playing my PS2 and my Dad goes into her room to talk to her or something, then screams WTF?! And runs out, so me being the stupid kid goes over and sees what my sister was doin and I see her with her hand in her clit...I couldnt look at her forever I still dont and she doesnt look at me eather, the only thing she said about it at supper that night was, "I was itchy..." which made my Mother laugh hard, my Dad just mumbled and doesnt look at her the same way anymore...I mean it was sick her whole damn arm was in it and she was ass naked and was so fucking nasty cause she didnt shave then and for that milisecond I saw it, I could tell her whole body was hairy....[/quote:9980a]
Ummm... I like to be a sick bastard on these forums, but are you being serious here man??