02-09-2002, 05:31 AM
Anyone can use the shotgun effectively, can they?
You need to see some of the players I've watched in Spec mode when they use shotgun and aren't good players.
It's hilarious to watch them continually miss, even at close range. It's even more funny to watch them try to shoot at someone miles away.
I've been in close combat with a shotgun user a few times and they've taken the entire 5 shells to take me down, with no health packs (and that's assuming they actually managed to take me down at all).
Then again those self same players have probably gotten me in one shot 'cos I turned a corner and they were looking right at me.
Annoying, but so what?
It was my fault for getting that close and not being careful.
The shotgun does not bestow some God-given skill to the player. In close combat it's easier to kill faster with it. That's it.
You do have to aim it, 'cos if you don't you won't bloody hit at all and I've seen that happen on many occasions.
I've seen players who are very good at using the shotgun and they do tend to get lots of kills. So what if they don't use any other weapons? Jesus, it's a game and they enjoy using the shotgun.
No one is ever happy unless someone uses the same gun as them. How boring would the game be if that happened? Are you seriously suggesting that you'd enjoy a game where every gun had the same effectiveness at the same ranges and they all had the same spread?
Variety is the spice of life and that is no less relevant in a game.
The statement that anyone can be good with the shotgun is just plain retarded, sorry. You can't be that skillful yourself if your enemy's skill level is closer to yours just because they use the shotgun.