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Default 02-21-2004, 12:05 AM

Those n00bs hosted lots of sigs/pics on my image hoster.. so what did they see in turn?

So, I just want to get this straight.

Snorkle (Exhibit A), goes through the trouble of making huge pancakes to cover his enormous cranium. As if he didn't look ridiculous enough with the eye patch (HARRRRRRR), he places said pancakes on his head and takes a picture of it. AND POSTS IT ON THE INTERNET. And all to make this woman/thing smile.. and damnit I thought I had saved the pic somewhere for just such an occasion, but no dice. I'll leave it at this: A pushing-fifty year old woman - single - who wears glasses that cover most of her face. She is maybe 5' - 5'2" and frumpy. Ahhh.. what the internet does for love.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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