<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MMSkyDiver:
Hey ya'll, new to these boards but been playin MoH long time... Love The Game (actually paid for this one
Anyway, my 2 questions is these, and sorry if they've been answered before, but how do i open the console to kick players, enter commands and such ( like cmdlist )?
I also wanna know how to check framerate in the game....
One more kinda tricky question, but when i try hosting a MoH game, people usually get booted/disconnected after a couple mins even if they're running around... anything i can do or try?
Thanx in advance,
hey whats up first of all you have to activate the console by changing the target on the mohaa shortcut you have to put this in "+set console 1" with out the qoutes so it
would look exactley like this "C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set console 1 make sure it is exactley like this or else it wont exept it make sure to space between the console and the 1 like this: console 1
and that should do it then just play the game an press ~to open the console and type: kick [BoB]-DOT and that would kick me out and thats it now have fun kicking people out.