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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 02-24-2004, 11:10 PM

People dropping litter in my hometown or at uni or famous public places.

Dumb tourists who don't know the unconscious courtesy of London, whenever on the London underground & going up or down some stairs/escalators you [always] give way to the left so people in a rush can go up the left hand side. I was in a rush to get to uni today and these dumb French sonsofbishes decide to come to London for some strange reason to look at paintings on how Brit kicked their azz etc and decided to block the whole damn escalator. Most prolly an act of revenge, but it still made me 15 mins late for class mad:

I noticed that no other city, even in UK, has this strange unconscious behavious w/ courtesy etc, with perhaps the exception of NYC.
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