Thread: My dream
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FalcoNg is Offline
Posts: 31
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-09-2002, 06:35 AM

(some of these ideas inspired by wachting dodv2) I can't wait till the SDK comes out! This game has so many possiblities!! My perfect map and mods will be this: A map just like the one where you have have to call in airsrikes and keep the tank and bridge intact. Except there will be more houses to hide in to make it more mp freindly. NO SNIPERS & ROCKETS. each side gets new weapons such as the americans get the m1carbine and 30 cal and the germans get the mg42 and 34. And these are NOT stationary. You can move them almost anywhere.They can be manned by anyone once placed but if the placer of that mg goes up to it while some is using it that person gets kicked off. No unlimited ammo. Objective is for one side to blow the bridge and the other defends it (server can pick). Respaning should be done just like DoD. I feel this creates more teamplay since all the dead are moving out in a squad not just by themselves. Also could have some p-47's (wish p-51's where in this game ) flying around. I know there a far more great ideas you guys have. Feel free to share them and any opnions on mine
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