02-25-2004, 09:56 AM
1. People that drag the fork along their teeth when they eat so it goes "TINGggg" every time. (My whole family oOo: )
2. Girls who do all that superficial emotion crap, superficial relationship crap, superficial girly crap.
3. Guys that think they're super macho and are always trying to prove it by putting your head in their arm and smashing your skull by flexing their bicep
4. Internet going down
5. Statistics (test today cry: )
6. People that put the toilet paper on backwards, and while we're at it 1 ply tp. I use like fifteen yards of that shit.
7. Smelly people.
8. People that stand too fucking close to me. GET A FUCKING CLUE! If I back the hell away from you, I DONT WANT YOU TO TAKE ANOTHER STEP CLOSER. At work I have to run behind a counter sometimes. Goddamn!
9. When 7&8 happen together
10. Having to be nice to people at work who are assholes
Thats enough for now, because I have to go get ready for statistics annoy: