02-25-2004, 10:47 AM
I dont know if you guys have them but OMFG!! stupid people at the U-scan checkouts...HOLY FUCK they need a test for this things. You should have to get a permit to use them. Im standing in line this morning
and this old bitch is just staring at the screen that clearly says "HEY FUCKING OLD BITCH PUT YOUR FUCKING GROCERYS BACK DOWN UNTILL THE ORDER IS FUCKING COMPLETE" Yet here she is fucking standing there with her bag of milk just staring.
.so then I get into the other lane and HOLY FUCK there is an asian couple..and the guy is piling his groceries into the cart his 10 bags of groceries even though the limit is 12 fucking items. While hes picking them up there is his stupid wife staring at the screen as it says "TELL YOUR FUCKING STUPID FUCKTARD HUSBAND TO PUT THE SHIT BACK ON THE FUCKING COUNTER SO WE CAN COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION"
I watched another old bitch staring at the screen and saying "I dont have any foodstamps!". Because it was asking for them after she hit PAY with foodstamps instead of cash...HOLY SHIT LADY HIT CANCEL BEFORE I HIT YOU!
These stupid bitches wasted 10 minutes of my life