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ribbs6 is Offline
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Posts: 26
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Location: Boise ,Idaho
Default 02-09-2002, 09:18 AM

i was just wondering if there was anyone out there working on a mod that would allow or require a person to shoulder there weapon to fire.granted not all the weapons need to be shoulderd to fire,but the people using the rifles and the thompsons could be an animated proscess(in one motion)or a switch to view, kinda like the sniper rifle.
on the rifles the cross hair could be completely removed, while the gun is not shouldered,requiring the player to shoulder the weapon to be accurate. the player could still fire the weapon from the "hip", but would be less accurate"without crosshairs"
(probably a server side mod?? i would like to hear some comments..... im not a modder just a gamer with some ideas.....
i think this would make the game a whole lot more"realistic"isnt that what alot of us are looking for?
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