02-09-2002, 03:33 AM
Sorry, parchy, the game is not a simulation and the game is not rooted in realism; it's an action shooter with great atmosphere, little more.
Dead soldiers do not drop magic health packs, allied soliders cannot take round after round from Nazi opponents and keep fighting, tiger tanks do not single-handedly destroy multiple villages and dozens of other tanks, and so on.
Hell, parchy, if the game was a "simulation," there wouldn't be any need for realism mods, would there?
And yet were that not enough, you say a laser-sighted gun modification would not be "permitted." Permitted by whom? The nameless, faceless entity that dictates what mods are created and what mods are not? Hate to tell you, but people will make any mods they want, without the scope of their abilities. There is no such thing as the mod not being "permitted," save regarding copyright issues. If somebody wanted to put aliens and plasma guns in the game, they could.
So you say nobody will create such a gun. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Only time will tell. But you're reasoning here is laughable at best.