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[EC]Mjr. Winters is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 12:00 AM

I think that every mod should have :

1. A realism mod
2. Larger maps than the retail ones
3. Most, if not every, building should be accessible (sp)
4. Weapon classes with restrictions ( a la DoD)
5. The addition of a machine gunner class like dod once more ( .30 cal vs the MG-42)
6. a NO sniper mod for the Omaha map
7. More machine gun nest (like in the Stalingrad map) scattered aound the maps, .30 cals and MG-42s, depending on what side you are.
8. More open spaced maps, like fields and stuff.
9. An M1 Carbine

Well i think these are good ideas and i hope ppl start working on a mod with such options. It would be more like Day of Defeat, but with MoHAA'a kickass graphics.
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