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Default 02-27-2004, 04:34 AM

the thing is guys.. you completely forget that this is a religious movie.. it doesn't stuff religion down your throat and there is not a huge amount of conversation through it... I am not one to go to church.. I am not one to listen to someone tell me how I should live my life.. I know that if i believe that he died for my sins and love him then I am good to go...
it is a great movie.. if you don't want to see it because it is a bible movie.. I am definatly not one to sit at home on a sunday and watch "The 13 comandments..." eek: It is just a very well made movie.. it is the first one that the sky's don't open up and the sun come out and angles fall from the heaven when he is dead... it is the first one to show you the hurt and pain and anger that people had...
like i said.. i am not a bible thumper by ANY means.. I am not a church goer.. I believe in gay marriage and I believe that people should be able to live their life the way they want it.. but the fact is .. this movie if you don't see it now.. you have to see it at one point in your life...
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