02-09-2002, 08:15 AM
Their are four buildings that have upstairs bedrooms. Every time I've restarted the game, The "dead" bazooka team, with their bazooka lying at their side, is in a different building. It appears that it changes every time your restart the game. As far as the snipers go, you have to go extremely slow, watch the impact hits on our compass to gauge rough location and listen and watch your AI partners. Half of the time, they're pointing to where he is saying "Their he is". Most of the time, they're on the roofs, in windows and along building debris. And they duck..move around...As far as the scope goes, I don't know if you've read about the FOV (field of view) changes you can make in the console. If your not against changing the game flow dynamics to your advantage, i.e. cheating..access your console, hit "~" and type in fov 50. You'll notice it's like having a set of binocular grafted to your eyes. This is full screen, not binocular tunnel vision. The binocular vision itself is around fov 20. If you type in fov 20, your still have the crosshair shown on your screen with a distorted gun barrel. Lowering the fov lower really increases the magnification but you seen to lose the aiming crosshair...you can go down to fov 1 for max magnification. If you again want to access FOV plus other features, you have to add certain additional lines to your target window (right-click on your MOHAA icon, select properties and you'll see the target window that says "c/program file/EA games/..". I personely have "C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set cl_playintro 0 +set ui_skip_eamovie 1 +set ui_skip_titlescreen 1 +set ui_skip_legalscreen 1 +set developer 1 +set ui_console 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1....You probably also heard about other console commands as cg_acidtrip 1, cg_3rd_person 1 and others.....