02-10-2002, 11:50 AM
One on One, you are never ever going to beat the AI in this game....several weeks ago, I saw a post displaying why the deck is stacked against us home sapiens...(cutting and pasting direct)
if you want to make the veiw distance shorter for the axis then just go inot the console and type in g_ai_notifyraduis. normal is 1024. if you lower it <500 they are like your guys.
If this is true what this guy is saying...the AI has an distinct advantage when you get out in the open and your within the target cone of multiple snipers....I've tried modifying the above command to make them far-sighted but it didn't appear to work....and type in the "cg_acidtrip 1". This adds even more atmosphere because of the intermittant multicolored flashes....