02-10-2002, 05:58 AM
Shelly, the Chief and that Freakaloin character have a lot in common ... they're both incoherent twits.
Anyway, regarding the snowy forest missions: I enjoyed them. The wide-open atmosphere was a nice change of pace compared to the slow gameplay of the prior mission, or the cramped quarters of the u-boat mission, and so on.
When I played it, I sniped through a large part of it. Stuck to the very edges of the map, working from the left on the first map and the right on the second. Before I even got to the flak cannons I was able to take out all the snipers and eliminate all the machine gun emplacements while retaining 100 percent health. From there, it was easy enough to take out a few perimeter guards at the cannons before charging in guns blazing.
Sniper town: I just got done replaying sniper town tonight, and despite playing at a higher difficulty than my first time around, the going is a lot easier. Once you know the trouble spots and the best way to get around, it can be done with far less frustration. I got those first three guys you meet up with to come along to town hall, which made that fiasco a lot easier.
Regarding sniper town (first part), anybody have this experience? Immediately after the first little avenue, you turn a corner and there is a sniper up in a mill tower to your left and two guys in a little blown out building to your right. (where you complete the first objective) When I crossed into that area, three allied soldiers came out from behind some rubble; I led them to the starting point, where I had my other guys. *SIX* allied soldiers altogether, and that's before meeting with my tank squad. Sadly, I got sniped and was not able to repeat their appearance.
So, anybody? What is the trigger to bring these guys into the game? What happened?