02-29-2004, 06:02 PM
You do this by specifying an rcon password in your server’s configuration file. If you don’t know what a server config file is, you should go to alliedassault.com (or any other MoHAA web site) and read their guides / help files to learn about config files. Once you have your config file set up, just put this in it:
seta rconPassword “yourpassword”
Include the quotation marks and replace yourpassword with whatever password you want. Save the config file, reboot the server and you should be good to go. The password you put in your config file is the same password you should put in the main screen of Autokick (but leave the quotation marks out in Autokick).
thats right out of the manual witch you should have already read and yeah but when i did it i lookd for the other text that started with seta andput it right under there but i dont think it matters
and hey what did you use to open the config file?