02-09-2002, 09:06 AM
lets just say ive been unemployed with a cable connection and a 19 inch moniter for quite some time now.if you dont know to much and are having trouble choosing a first person shoot em up, heres my outlook. D.O.D..... i think i could connect to the white house faster, graphics dont compare to mohaa. laggy on all servers. cheap version of combined mohaa and rtcw.i read the forum on the dod site , good reviews.bottom line from me if u suck at mohaa go play dod or just stay and let me snipe you..now on to the infamouse c-strike, i played this game so much i almost ruined my marriage. i loved it at first but after getting head shotted by aim bots and shot through concrete walls and shooting people so many times and they laugh and stab u. i once watched a navy seal fly through the air and snipe people like a gargoyle. bottom line good game more cheaters than the german womens swimm team.now rtcw, my hats off to this game. played it many of many nights , a lot of boards, good graphics. nice weopons, a lot of team effort, i'm tired of capturing flags do youthink when we were storming beaches we were worried about a touching a flag so we could start there again when we died defintely the second best game out there,it just seems like your always pressed for time. no time to relax sip your beer and hide in a window with a can of woop ass. now my top choice ... mohaa the best... graphics if your system supports is the best . easy getting connected. team match 4 me is where its at no captureing a stupid flag, just allies vs axis. realism.easy to find downloads .i played em all hands down mohaa takes the cake. the downfalls not enough boards yet....and respawn points are clogged with death when a lot of peaple are playing. i think i killed like 12 peaople just standin in one spot. but other than that and a flame thrower.. this is my choice and if you knew how much i played you would respect my opinion......