03-01-2004, 06:41 PM
Bill Maher lol, what a hypocritcal pussy that guy is. What I wouldnt give to beat the shit out of him. Well Bill seems to be in the mindframe that little children can get into anything. Since when should a dirty old man be allowed on the air? What does he do all he does is say "im rubbing myself in circles now" who the fuck wants to hear that. You might be a little gay if you like to hear a dirty middle aged jewish man talk about masturbating over the radio. Because i sure as fuck do not enjoy it at all. Do you know how much easier itd be to raise kids if they didnt hear a perverted radio host talking all that shit. Its not that you can always keep your kids away from the shit that goes around. You can only controll it to the limits, thats why we have the fcc. All it is is tasteless cheap entertainment.