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Default 02-10-2002, 10:17 AM

My personal carry gun is my Ruger p90 in the winter (big gun) and in the summer I carry a Colt mustang .380. It fits nicely in my pocket
I carry for my dads jewelry shop (not my full time job, I just help out on the weekends). So I have a permit to carry concealed.

My rifles are
Auto Ordinance Thompson
Olympic arms pre ban AR15
Cheap Norenco AK47 w/100 drum
H&K SP89 w/ laser site ( looks like the MP5 but semi-auto)
And I just picked up a youth model 22 lever action for my 8 and 9 year old daughters. ( need to get them ready for jr. high school

These guns are all semi auto as it is illegal in Rhode Island to own a fully auto firearm. My dad was a antique gun collector when I was young. I have a picture somewhere on this board of the guns that were hanging over my crib when I was a baby. One of them was the MP44 that we use in the game.

Not so Rude,

[This message has been edited by rudedog (edited February 10, 2002).]

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
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