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Those unabashed Europeans
imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default Those unabashed Europeans - 03-02-2004, 12:21 PM

Figure to yourself an ambitious young man, battling his way across London, a race against time to arrive for his lecture. He arrives eventually, halfway through, yours truly mumbles an apology to the Dr and takes his seat, careful to cause no more interruption to the proceedings.
Having missed the first half of the lecture he is unsure of what to expect. This young man, raised by Victorian values, stiff upper lip & no shows of emotion. Never to touch upon taboo subjects or ones which may cause shock or offence in fear of bad form. This young man is part of an audience for a questionable lecture, but he is not to know as yet.
Up stands a Swedish girl, the next person to provide a lecture, the young man is quite taken by her brown hair & innocent looks. With no hesitation & no sign of emotion, not the bat of an eyelid, she begins her thesis.

"Ladies & Gentlemen I give you the subject of female sexuality, covering improvised methods & lesbianism".

She goes on to talk in detail about the obscure history of the dildo, apparently the first one was made of wood & stone & in later periods it was used to treat women for hysteria, rubber ones being introduced in the latter 20thC.
The young man can barely contain himself as this girl goes on to talk at length about such details, with little or no sign of emotion throughout the entire speech.

I have never seen anything quite like it, these European stereotypes are all true. The Germans are kinky, the French romantic, the Italians stylish. What more evidence should be needed?

It was a most interesting lecture, unfortunately the next one was about the history of faggotry, provided by a chap of questionable character.
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